January 26, 2024 - Funfly Eastern Shore

The weather this Friday was freakish.  Low 70's, light winds and blue skies.  In January!!!  Of course, I had to take advantage.   But shortly after takeoff, it became apparent that there was a lot of ground fog about, especially over the water.  The weather briefing had said nothing about it, of course.  The more you fly, the more you realize how limited the weather information is.

The ground fog wasn't a problem but it sure was pretty.   And this was the first time I've seen conditions like this.  You would think you'd seen it all after 20 years of flying.

We had a lot of rain earlier in the week.  Essex Skypark basically resides in a swamp -- probably the only reason it still exists and isn't covered by houses.
Heading east out over the Chesapeake Bay.
Looking south.  The entire Bay is covered in ground fog.  Remarkable!
The ground fog disappeared over the Eastern Shore.  It was replaced by nice puffy cumulous clouds starting at 2,000 feet or so.  It was fun cruising around wearing just a T-shirt.
Looking down at Massey Aerodrome.  The ground fog blanketed everything north of Massey.
Heading south down the Eastern Shore.